Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation

            Somethings I like and enjoy in this class is using computers. I enjoy using computer because all day in very class i write and using computers is a nice change. Learning to type fluently is one of the perks of being in this class.
            Something i do not like in this class is that it's very quiet and at time, makes my want to go to sleep.
            One thing I need to improve in this class is i need to type more in my reflections. I also need to improve on my speed  of typing.
            I really tried to do my best in this class. I did all the assignment in this class and for that reason, I am passing with a 88% in this class which is a A

Monday, December 12, 2016

Student success Statement

"When you tell one lie,
it leads to another."

Paul Hatch

            What this quote means is that ones you get used to lying Is a hard habit to break. For example, if you tell one lie you will feel like you can tell another one. Eventually you will always be telling a lie. It's important to always tell the truth no madder the consequences.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sting of the Scorpion

             The video we just saw showed the lesson the little boy had to learn for disobeying his parent. His parent had clearly told him to wear shoes when he verntured out into the desert but he didn't listen. Because he didn't listen he got stinged by a scorpion.
Student Success Statement

"Always do right"

Mark Twain

       What this quote means is that you should always do the right. Doing the right could mean a lot of things like getting good grades in school, doing your chorse, or simple behaving correctly